
Friday, 14 February 2014

Drawing it all together.

Wow, what a month it's been.  Hard to believe that in a couple of weeks Uni starts and everything I've been doing for the last 6 months or so will finally come to fruition.

In the last month I've finished up from my job and then the real work started.  Had to get my bike back on the road so I will have transport to get to and from campus.  I also asked the guys doing it to do a roadworthy on it as well as I had to (finally) change the registration over to Queensland which I got done yesterday.

I've also put in an application for Aus Study and dropped off the paperwork for that yesterday too.  Add in all the sundry other little things that had to be done and it's been a very busy couple of weeks.  There are still a few other loose ends to tidy up and O week starts in the last week of Feb, then all hell breaks loose.

I am really excited but the anxiety is starting to creep in now a little as well.  I'm not second guessing myself but I have no doubt there will be a day when I come home, curl up into a ball and wonder what the hell I've done.  At least I'm prepared (as much as I can be) for when that happens.

My son thinks me going to make games is awesome, and he's decided that is what he wants to do when he grows up.  Of course, that changes on a regular basis - previously he wanted to be a teacher like my wife.  I tracked down some software that will let him make 2D platform games which he's been playing with and making levels, now we just need to work out how to link them together.

My first textbook also arrived yesterday, one for my drawing class so that's another thing making it all very real.

But for now, I'm going to go enjoy my bike as there is yet another thing to be done today before I can put my feet up.

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